News - Nuacht
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Director of Mireog Shona Shirley Macdonald has illustrated new book 'An Féileacáin agus an Rí' written by Máire Zepf and published by Futa Fata.
We'll be at the tradeshow Showcase Ireland in the RDS in Dublin this January from 19th-22nd, we're delighted to have been supported by the Waterford Local Enterprise Office to attend, our stand is F88, upstairs on the balcony.
We're delighted to be part of Waterford crafts, Christmas craft market in Garter Lane Arts Centre from 29th November to December 23rd.
Faoi láthair táimid ag ullmhú le haghaidh 'Gifted' An aonach ceardaíochta bliantúla, a bhíonn san RDS. Beidh sé ar siúl ón 4ú go 8ú Nollaig, agus beimid thuas staighre ar an t-idirúrlar ag B54. We're currently getting ready for the Christmas Craft and Design Fair 'Gifted' in the RDS starting next week 4th-8th December! We'll be upstairs on the balcony at B54.
Beidh seastán againn ag an gComórtas Náisiúnta Treabhdóireachta i gCeatharlach an seachtain seo chugainn, agus táimid ag súil go mór leis. Is le cúnamh na hOifige Fiontair Áitiúil i bPort Láirge go mbeimid i Marquee na hOifig Fiontair Áitiúil, ag Bloc 2, Sraith 19, seastán 423, díreach i lár an rud uilig!
Looking forward to next week when we'll be at the National Ploughing Championships! Thanks to Waterford Local Enterprise Office we'll be part of the Local Enterprise Village, which is at Block 2, Row 19, Stand 423.
Féile Bhia Iarthair Phort Láirge ag tosnú amárach, agus beimid ag an aonach ar an Dómhnach, bíonn craic agus croíléis ann i gcoinne. Bígí Linn! :)
The West Waterford Festival of Food is starting on 26th April in Dungarvan, and we'll be at the market on Sunday.
Dia dhaoibh uilig! Beimid ag díol ár gcuid earraí ag cúpla aonaigh Nollag i mbliana:
Ar dtús beimid ag an Dungarvan & West Waterford Christmas Fair in Óstán na Páirce ar Domhnach 25ú Samhain,
Ansin beimid ag an The Dublin Flea Market sa Point i mBÁC ón 6ú-9ú Nollaig,
agus ar deireadh beimid ag an Makers Market Waterford i bPort Láirge thar dhá dheireadh seachtaine, ón 15ú-16ú agus an 22ú-23ú Nollaig. Bígí linn!!
Upcoming Christmas markets we'll be attending: Dungarvan & West Waterford Christmas Fair in the Park Hotel on Sunday 25th November, The Dublin Flea Market in The Point in Dublin from 6-9th December, and the Makers Market Waterford on the weekends of 15-16th and 22nd-23rd December.
Táimid san The Sunday Independent inniú! Tá alt faoi Mireog ag Gabrielle Monaghan, grianghraf ó Patrick Prowne. (Ceann de na laethanta seo caithfidh mé foghlaim conas geáitsí don cheamara!!)
There's an article about Mireog in today's Sunday Independent! :)Written by Gabrielle Monaghan and photo by Patrick Browne.
Seo físeán duinn in ár stiúideo nua, ár mbuíochas le An Corsaiceach agus MOLSCÉAL
Here's a video of us in our new studio, thanks to An Corsaiceach and Molscéal.
Seo cuid dár dtaetuaillí nua, 'Duilleoga na hÉireann', bunaithe ar seanchas na gcrann. Tá siad phriontáilte ar chadás orgánach agus Fairtrade. Beimid ag díol ár dtáirgí ag margadh na féile.
Here are a few pics of our new 'Leaves of Ireland' tea towel design, which we have hand-printed onto 100% organic and fairtrade cotton. Each leaf is made up of Irish words relating to the tree's properties and Celtic folklore, and we will be selling these at the West Waterford Festival of Food Festival Market on Sunday.
Bhí sé an cead uair dúinn le bheith ag an West Waterford Festival of Food, agus tá áthas an domain orainn an gradam do Gaeilge & Fáilte a bhaint amach! Tá Gaeilge lárnach inár gnó, agus is onóir mhór dúinn. Bhí sé go deas bualadh le gach duine ann, ár mbuíochas daoibh uilig.
It was out first time at the West Waterford Food Festival and we're delighted to have won the Gaeilge & Fáilte prize! Gaeilge is central to our business so it means a lot for that to be recognised.
T-léinte linbh nua do 2018! Gach rud lámhphriontáilte ar chadás orgánach. Ceann ar fáil do gach phearsanta éagsúil!!
New baby and children's t-shirts for 2018! All hand-printed by ourselves onto EarthPositive t-shirts (and babygrows), 100% organic cotton. Each design has a different animal and word in Irish.
Táimid díreach fillte ó Showcase Ireland, míle buíochas do chách a bhuail isteach chugainn! Taispeántas iontach, agus táimid thar a bheith buíoch do Waterford Local Enterprise Office don tacaíocht ar fad!
Just back from the tradeshow Showcase Ireland, thanks to all who stopped by! Really great show, and thanks to Waterford Local Enterprise Office for all their support!
Wee mention in The Irish World about our upcoming appearance at the tradeshow Showcase Ireland in Dublin in January 2018, alongside other Co. Waterford exhibitors Wild Oat Soaps and Pippa Sweeney Designs.

We were delighted to have been included in the Christmas Pop-up shop in the Deanery in Waterford City, organised by Waterford Local Enterprise Office. Opening times: 10am-4pm Fri/Sat/Sun 8th-10th and 15th-17th, at the Deanery, Cathedral Square, Waterford City.

Bhíomar ag obair ar dearaí nua le déanaí, agus beimid á sheoladh inniú, amárach, agus an Sathairn ag Oireachtas na Samhna, i gCill Áirne, ó 10 r.n - 6 i.n. Buail isteach chugainn a chairde, táimid sa Marquee!
We've been working on some new t-shirt designs, which we're now launching at the Oireachtas na Samhna in Killarney, today, tomorrow and Saturday, 10am-6pm. Come find us, we're in the marquee!

Seo cuid dár gCártaí Nollag nua! New range of Christmas cards for 2017

Our new notebooks are now available: Pine, Hazel, Elder, Hawthorn and Blackthorn.
The leaf designs incorporate words in Irish about the properties and folklore associations of each tree. We design and hand print them ourselves with water based inks, and then Klee Paper makes them into notebooks with 100& recycled paper.
01/10/17: We'll be at the Oireachtas na Samhna an bliain seo ar Chill Airne, Co Chiarraí arís i mbliana ó 1 - 5 Samhain 2017. If you're there do pop over to say hi!

24/07/17:Táimid ar bís go bhfuil ár gcártaí anois ar dhíol sa siopa leabhair Liber! Glad to say the brilliant Liber Bookshop in Sligo is now a stockist!

26/06/17: Tá ár sraith iomlán t-léinte anois le fáil sa Bastion Gallery i mBaile Átha Luain!
Our full range of t-shirts is now available from The Bastion Gallery , Athlone(here they are getting packed up and ready to send!)

24/06/17: Mireog illustrator Shona illustrated this poster for one of our stockists Charlie Byrnes Bookshop in Galway, it was unveiled yesterday along with some great music. Now available in the shop!

07/06/17: Seo rud atáimid ag obair ar faoi láthair, ár ndearadh nua ‘Gráinne’
Here is something we've been working on, our new t-shirt design 'Gráinne'! We launched this at the PanCeltic festival but have since been experimenting with different colours.

24/04/17: We attended the fantastic PanCeltic Festival again this year in Carlow, thanks to all who stopped by!

17/03/17: Honoured to see the Irish government chose 'The Moon Spun Round', illustrated by Shona Shirley Macdonald (of Mireog) as one of their St. Patrick's Day gifts.

05/02/17: All our t-shirts and notebooks are now hand-printed by ourselves with water-based inks!

01/02/17: We launched our new t-shirt packaging at Showcase 2017 in the RDS in Dublin, and our Irish language Tree Lore range for which we screen-print our designs onto Irish made 100% recycled paper notebooks. More coming soon!

15/01/17: In other exciting news, we are going to be making our debut appearance at Showcase 2017, Ireland's Creative Expo. It runs from from January 22nd-25th, and we will be at stand F69-F71, (one of 6 exhibitors showing as part of the 'Made in Waterford' stand.)

01/12/16: We are delighted to say we'll be selling our wares at the Dublin Flea Christmas Market in Point Village, Dublin, from 9th-11th December. The times are Friday 12-7pm, and Sat/Sun 11-6pm. It's a brilliant market bursting with unique items, so if you're around, come along and stock up on Christmas presents! Click here to find out more: Dublin Flea Christmas Market